This convenient kit comes with 8 commonly used tap tools. For aluminum, brass, copper, plastic and mild steel. Klein provides two each of the smallest sizes for a total of 8 taps. Each works easily with the quick connect in power tools. Includes a carrying case to keep your taps in one place for immediate access.

Made from high-speed steel, Klein’s drill taps are made for use with brass, copper, mild steels and plastics

Available in a set with a case, or individually as replacements
For aluminum, brass, copper, plastic and mild steel
Designed for use on up to 10 gauge metal
1/4-Inch hex for easier application with quick connect
High speed steel for added durability
6-32, 8-32, 10-32, 10-24, 12-24 and 1/4-20 tap sizes
Includes a carrying case
Our Drill Tap Tool kit features all the tools needed to drill, tap and deburr in one easy step. This convenient kit comes with 6 commonly used tap tools plus two extra of the smaller sized taps.
In this Tradesman TV episode, Rolf (a union electrician) tells us how he liked using our Drill Tap Tool Kit on the job.

Klein Tools is the result of one of those “happy accidents” that turn out to be revolutionary. Klein Tools famously got their start in 1857 when a linesman came to founder Matthias Klein to repair his broken pliers. Klein replaced the broken half and when the old half of the tool broke too, Klein forged a replacement for that, thus making the first Klein Linesman pliers. Since these humble beginnings, Klein Tools has grown and become one of the largest American made toolmakers and they’re a brand used by tradesmen, linesman and electricians all across America.